Whats the difference between a kink and a fetish?

Published: 02:28 EST, 4 April 2018 | Updated: 02:28 EST, 4 April 2018 A kink is something that arouses us thats not considered the sexual norm. As you can imagine, this is highly subjective and dependent on who were talking about (tongue-kissing was considered kinky by your great grandmother) but its basically something that you

What’s the difference between a kink and a fetish?

 A kink is something that arouses us that’s not considered the sexual norm.

As you can imagine, this is highly subjective and dependent on who we’re talking about (tongue-kissing was considered kinky by your great grandmother) but it’s basically something that you really enjoy but isn’t necessary or even wanted every single sex session.

A fetish is a sexual act or an object that is nearly always necessary for the person to become aroused and enjoy sex.

If you have a foot fetish, for instance, unless feet or shoes are involved in the sex you’re having, chances are it won’t be satisfying for you.


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