Best Classes and Minions After 'Rise of Shadows' Change

Hearthstone 's yearly Standard rotation shift has once again changed the way the game is played across every mode. While Standard retires Knights of the Frozen of The Throne, Journey To Un'Goro and Kobolds & Catacombs, Arena is going through an entirely different metamorphosis. For the first time in the mode's history, a set of

Hearthstone 's yearly Standard rotation shift has once again changed the way the game is played across every mode. While Standard retires Knights of the Frozen of The Throne, Journey To Un'Goro and Kobolds & Catacombs, Arena is going through an entirely different metamorphosis. For the first time in the mode's history, a set of rotating older cards will appear for players to tinker around with.

The second Arena rotation features cards from these expansions:

  • Classic

  • Basic
  • Goblins vs. Gnomes
  • The Grand Tournament
  • One Night in Karazhan
  • The Boomsday Project
  • Rise of Shadows

Hearthstone Arena Best Classes

These sets include cards players haven't seen in quite awhile. They also shake up the Arena meta, making Paladin and Mage two of the best classes to choose from. Warrior and Warlock have been top-tier for months after getting a ton of support over the last few expansions, but suffer with Curse and Whisper. Death's Bite is alright, but without Grim Patron you won't get much use out of it. It's best to skip Druid and Priest all together, they didn't receive the proper support until Journey To Un'Goro, which is no longer in the mix.

It's going to take a lot of time to figure out which class is technically the best, but here are the top guesses from someone who tries to get an Arena run in at least once a day. Earning wins is all about having the right curve and playing a card every turn. Having about four or five of each card, from two mana to five, is the best way to ensure a way to win. Having a bunch of big beefy minions with high stats won't do you any good if your opponent has already filled up their board and taken half your life.

Old cards entering Arena are super fun to see again. Two Zombie Chows on turn one brings me back to the early days of Hearthstone , when I didn't have a full-time job and could just play all day. But at least now I can relive those memories while playing Sludge Belcher on curve.

Hearthstone Arena Best Cards

Here are some of the best Neutral cards to put in your deck, though curve and strategy should always come first.

Daring Reporter- Minion can snowball fairly easily without much help.

Zombie Chow- A turn-one minion with two-mana stats is fantastic.

Friendly Bartender- Don't forget to tip your Tauran.

Spiked Hogrider- Keep your eye on this hog to clear the board of Taunt minions.

Haunted Creeper- It's a lot of value in a little package.

Bog Creeper- Good stats on a beefy body, what's not to love?

Infested Tauren- Taunts are never a bad idea

How much are you enjoying the new Arena? Tell us in the comments.

Uncommon Knowledge

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

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